
Bundle Pack – Organic Extra Virgin Omega Blend Oil (2:1:1) + Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil 275ml

฿ 690.00

A lush, velvety texture, balanced with a subtle raw nutty finish

Organic Omega Blend Oil is an organic oil blend containing a 2:1:1 ratio in favour of Omega 3:6:9 essential fatty acids. This ratio is considered, in the opinion of most nutritional experts, to be the ideal ratio for the modern diet. This is achieved by carefully selecting and blending together the appropriate amounts of certified organic flax seed oil (one of the richest vegetarian sources of omega-3), and organic sesame seed oil (full of non GMO omega-6 and omega-9, antioxidants and phytosterols). Our organic omega blend oil is cold pressed which means that the nutrients inherent in the seed are retained throughout processing.

Contains Omega 3, 6, 9 in the ratio of 2:1:1

 100% Organic
 1st Cold Pressed
 Vegetarian, Vegan and Keto friendly
 No Preservatives
 No Artificial Flavours

SKU: BD-Pack2-OBO-VCO-275-001 Categories: , , ,
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The RAWGANIQ® Difference

  • Freshly-made, 1st Cold press
  • Certified organic to both USDA/NOP and EU standards (view certificate)
  • Processed under controlled environmental conditions with minimal heat, UV light and oxygen (Click “Our Cold Press Process” tab to learn more)
  • Packed and processed in FDA-approved, GMP and HACCP-certified facility (view certificate)
  • Lab analysis to ensure your safety (Click “lab analysis” tab to learn more)
  • Packed in dark glass bottle and stored in cool conditions to maintain freshness

Organic Extra Virgin Omega Blend Oil (2:1:1)


A lush, velvety texture, balanced with a subtle raw nutty finish

Organic Omega Blend Oil is an organic oil blend containing a 2:1:1 ratio in favour of Omega 3:6:9 essential fatty acids. This ratio is considered, in the opinion of most nutritional experts, to be the ideal ratio for the modern diet. This is achieved by carefully selecting and blending together the appropriate amounts of certified organic flax seed oil (one of the richest vegetarian sources of omega-3), and organic sesame seed oil (full of non GMO omega-6 and omega-9, antioxidants and phytosterols). Our organic omega blend oil is cold pressed which means that the nutrients inherent in the seed are retained throughout processing.

Contains Omega 3, 6, 9 in the ratio of 2:1:1

 100% Organic
 1st Cold Pressed
 Vegetarian, Vegan and Keto friendly
 No Preservatives
 No Artificial Flavours


Health and Nutrition:


Omega-3 fatty acids are considered essential fatty acids. That is, they are vital for our health, but the human body cannot make them on its own and so we have to get them from our food. Of all the fatty acids, omega-3s are the most important. They reduce inflammation in the body and can help lower the risk of chronic degenerative diseases that plague the population – heart disease, high cholesterol, arthritis, dementia, and even certain types of cancer.


Omega-6 fatty acids, like omega-3s, are essential fatty acids that can only be provided to us through food and supplements. Omega-6 fatty acids play a critical role in brain function. They also help stimulate skin and hair growth, maintain bone health, regulate metabolism, and maintain the reproductive system.


Unlike the 3s and 6s, omega 9 fatty acids are not considered essential fatty acids because our bodies can make omega-9s in small amounts. Omega-9s are used by the body when the omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are not readily present. Primarily, omega-9 has a positive health effect on the lowering of cholesterol levels, reducing of insulin resistance, and boosting the immune system. However, the body will eventually suffer from having a large amount of omega-9s if there is lack of the proper amount of omega-3s.

How to Use:

Use daily as either a liquid supplement or oil for oil pulling; dressing for salads, vegetables, brown rice, etc; or add into yoghurt, smoothies, fruit juice, cereals.

Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil


Light, smooth, buttery coconut flavour

Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil is the oil, cold-extracted from coconuts without the application of heat. Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil has a lovely taste and smell since it is derived from fresh coconuts, is not subjected to high heat or harsh light and is unrefined. This preserves all the natural goodness of the oil, including its high content of vitamin E and MCT’s, which are otherwise removed from the ordinary coconut oil during processes like heating, de-odourizing, refining, and bleaching.

Furthermore, Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil is very effective as a moisturizing agent due to higher antioxidant properties than those of normal refined coconut oil.

Contains highest natural source of Medium Chain Fatty Acids (MCFA’s) – >60% MCT’s

 100% Organic
 1st Cold Pressed
 Vegetarian, Vegan and Keto friendly
 No Preservatives
 No Artificial Flavours

Health and Nutrition:

Contains Fatty Acids

Coconut oil is high in healthy saturated fats that have different effects than most other fats in your diet. These fats can boost fat burning and provide your body and brain with quick energy. They also raise the good HDL cholesterol in your blood, which is linked to reduced heart disease risk. Most fats in the diet are called long-chain triglycerides, but the dominant fats in coconut oil are known as medium chain triglycerides (MCTs). What this means is that the fatty acids are shorter chemical molecules than most other fats. When you eat these types of fats, they are processed directly in the liver, where they are used as a quick source of energy or turned into ketone bodies. Ketones can have powerful benefits for the brain, and are being studied as a treatment for epilepsy, Alzheimer’s and other conditions.

Improves digestion

Coconut oil supports the digestive tract to digest, which means better absorption of minerals, nutrients and vitamins. By helping the body absorb vitamins and minerals (like magnesium and calcium), coconut oil contributes to an increase in the body’s ability to produce energy and ward off disease. In addition, taking coconut oil simultaneously with fatty acids (Omega-3 – Rawganiq Golden flax seed oil), makes them more effective.

Improves Heart Health

The lauric acid present in coconut oil helps in actively preventing various heart problems like high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure. It does not lead to an increase in LDL cholesterol levels, and it reduces the incidence of injury and damage to arteries and therefore helps to prevent atherosclerosis. Studies suggest that intake of this oil may help in maintaining healthy lipid profiles in pre-menopausal women.

Hair and Skin

Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil is just as effective as a mineral oil in treating xerosis, a condition resulting in dry, itchy, rough skin. The oil also has antiseptic properties and prevents damage to your hair. Coconut oil is a medium-chain fatty acid, so it’s more easily absorbed by your hair, thus preventing protein loss and damage.

Improve Insulin Secretion

Consumption of Extra Virgin coconut oil helps to better utilize insulin in balancing glucose output which in turn can help relieve the symptoms and reduce the health risks associated with diabetes.


How to Use:

Use daily as either a liquid supplement, solution for oil pulling or body and hair treatment. On food, use as a healthy cooking oil, dressing for salads, vegetables, brown rice, etc; or add into yoghurt, smoothies, fruit juice, cereals.

Batch number : OBO

Additional information

Weight 600 g
Dimensions 12 × 6 × 26 cm

Cold pressing under controlled environmental conditions

During our oil drawing process we adhere to a unique method of removing the environmental elements of heat, UV light and oxygen, to ensure that the final product delivers all those delicious flavours, textures and super nutrients that nature intended. Whilst oxygen is life giving to humans, it can wreak havoc with the stability and purity of cold pressed oils and render them useless and possibly toxic. We therefore ensure that we remove all oxygen from the environment within which the oils are drawn, thus preventing any possibility of the oils turning rancid.

Unfiltered, unrefined for the purest extra virgin oil

With such care and attention taken in the drawing of the oil, we then leave our oils unfiltered so that we capture the full value of the fat soluble lignans (antioxidants). Not only do our oils deliver high quality Essential Omega fatty acids, but they also provide much needed protection to your cells. These lignans are more dense than the oil so they will tend to settle, but you just need to swirl the container to mix them back into solution prior to consuming.

Our unrefined, unfiltered, oxygen free oils are a remedy for cell nourishment.

To finish off the process, we pack our light-sensitive oils into dark, amber glass bottles so as to further preserve the nutrients.


Our ready products are maintained and packaged to keep them fresh and pure

Finally, our finished goods are stored under cool conditions to maintain freshness before we pack them appropriately prior to delivery to you. Transport of our products encompasses further pampering as they continue to be handled under cool conditions before being refrigerated by yourself after purchase.